Hello there,
I hope you are navigating life with grace during what feels like a wild time to be alive. Here in the United States things are getting weirder by the day. Actually, for those of us that have spent the last four years obsessively researching, trying to figure out what really is occurring behind the curtain and where the truth lies, the last few weeks have not been that shocking. I believe that many things will be revealed in the next five months, all of which are necessary in order for humanity to awaken. I think by the end of this year many will come to realize that outsourcing our power to corrupt political leaders and governments is not the solution that we have been conditioned to believe, as we are free and sovereign beings.
So, get your popcorn ready and try to find a sturdy perch to rest on so that you can look down onto the chaos from above with curiosity, just like the eagle. It’s time to sharpen your sword of discernment because I assure you nothing is what it seems. By now you are hopefully realizing to take nothing at face value. I believe that both the intensity and frequency of events will continue to increase in order for us to see things for what they truly are. What a bizarre and exciting time to be alive!
At the end of the day, everything that is currently being revealed and unveiled in the collective is occurring to bring us back home to ourselves. The world is a stage, and the actors are abundant. But YOU are the hero of your story. You hold the answers and wisdom necessary to continue to up level your life. Trust yourself and your intuition. If something feels wrong in your body, trust it, no matter what the rest of the world is telling you. You hold the key to truth. So, keep going and do not doubt yourself. We came here for times such as these.
On today’s episode I had the pleasure of sitting down with my dear friend, Jamie Davidson, to discuss how she answered the call of the wild and moved her family from Portland, Oregon to Costa Rica. Jamie is a beautiful example of someone that is continually walking towards sovereignty and freedom. She discusses the homecoming process that she experienced when she let go of her meds and reclaimed her power, her truth. Jamie learned to trust her body and trust her inner voice. And as she learned to embrace all of the parts of herself that she had been conditioned to believe were broken, something unlocked within her, and she was able to up level.
Jamie now supports thousands of people through this same process of reclamation as she helps lead Kelly Brogan’s 44-day program, the Vital Mind Reset.
I adore Jamie and the amazing work that she is doing to help bring people into deep relationship with themselves, while teaching them that they can trust their emotions and their bodies, as they return back to their truest self.
On this episode we discuss:
How answering the call of freedom often involves unshackling oneself from the mainstream narrative and societal conditioning.
Listening to oneself and honoring one's desires is essential for healing and creating a fulfilling life.
Trusting your inner voice and taking small leaps of faith can lead to alignment and a sense of purpose.
There are opposing forces within us, one that strives to be okay through effort and one that is guided by a longing imprinted by something greater.
Surrendering and trusting the process can lead to a different energetic experience and a deeper sense of peace and fulfillment.
The importance of listening to your inner voice and trusting your own intuition.
Nature can be a powerful source of healing and connection.
Shame is a psychological operation that keeps us trapped and disconnected from our true selves.
Letting go of societal programming to reclaim your personal power.
How to quiet the inner critic by exploring our underlying shadows and giving them attention.
Reclaiming yourself and living freely and wildly requires curiosity, trust, and a willingness to let go.
We hope you enjoy our conversation.
Wishing you a beautiful weekend ahead. May you fly with the eagles…
With ❤️ and gratitude,
Sounds like a great episode! Especially for those who are still trapped but want to be freed from this "Matrix". Popcorn ready!