Voice Notes

Welcome to my Voice Notes. Here I will be chiming in with impromptu messages as they pulse through me. I am continually studying this bizarre human experience that we are all here having; one that is riddled with intense duality, ebbing and flowing with beauty and pain, darkness and light, highs and lows, heartache and triumphs.

As I continue to research the nature of reality and work to piece together the mysteries behind humaning on planet earth, I will be popping in from time to time to share my discoveries, my realizations. Because the one thing I know for sure is there is far more to life on earth than we have been taught. We are far more powerful than we have been indoctrinated to believe. And as I continue to awaken and remember who I really am beneath the cloaks of my conditioning and the veils my wounding (both of which are designed to keep us playing small), I feel inspired and empowered. I have experienced firsthand a radical change that occurs once we stop outsourcing our power to others and reclaim our minds, our hearts, our wellness, and our sovereignty. Here, I will chime in as I feel inspired. Welcome to my voice notes on Chime In….


white flower under blue sky during daytime